All types of pimples explained
All types of pimples explained Acne or Pimples is the most common skin condition that affects millions of people worldwide. But treating this common condition becomes difficult till you find out the type of pimple you are fighting. It can be difficult to diagnose, but once you know the acne type then acne treatment becomes very easy! In this blog, we will explore the causes, types and treatment of acne. Read on and find out how to really rid that little painful bump on your skin.
What is acne & who does it affect?
Acne is a skin concern in which hair, sebum (an oily fluid), germs, and dead skin cells clog the pores of your skin. Blackheads, whiteheads, nodules, and various varieties of pimples are caused by these obstructions.
We all know that one God’s favorite child who hasn’t encountered acne for most part of their life. Or even if they get acne, it practically falls off without any traces (or so they say!). But, know that you are not alone if you have pimples on face. The majority of people encounter this skin issue. Most individuals have acne scars at some time in their lives, and it is believed that 80% of those between the ages of 11 and 30!
Where does acne mostly occurs
This little bump can occur just about anywhere on your body. All it really needs is oil producing glands on the skin. Although, pimples on forehead, face, chest, shoulders, and upper back are the areas where acne is most likely to appear. Your body is covered in oil glands, but those are the areas with the large majority of these glands. Acne can range in severity from minor (a few sporadic pimples) to moderate (inflammatory papules) (nodules and cysts) and depending on the severity acne treatments vary.
In the following section let’s find more about different kinds of Acne and how to prevent them.
What are different Acne types
Blackheads: the tiny constellation-like dots that appear on your skin are nothing but blackheads. They appear when hair follicles get clogged & oxidised due to the exposure to air. So what causes these hair follicles to clog? There’s a lot of myth surrounding the cause, some say it’s genetics or hormonal. Let's take a look at a few most important ones: Oily Skin, Pore Buildup, Greasy Hair and Sweat. How to treat blackheads?
- Blackhead strip’s are very effective in removing blackheads in one go. They are easily available and don’t take too much time in your skincare routine. Use them twice monthly or less depending on your blackhead buildup.
- Cleanser with witch hazel is a great way to get rid of blackheads. Witch hazel is an extremely effective cleanser and is also known to be an anti-inflammatory. Find the perfect cleanser for you by Tuco Skintelligent.
- Use products which contain salicylic acid. It is a type of BHA that helps in clean & clear skin & has been proven effective against blackheads.
Whiteheads: if you have caught yourself peering into the mirror trying hard to figure out what are the tiny yellow/white bumps on your skin. They are nothing but whiteheads. They are acne types, which occur when a pore is clogged and can turn into a pimple. Although it’s tempting to pinch and squeeze your skin to get rid of whiteheads, this is not the best way to do it! Popping whiteheads without the proper tools and techniques can lead to more bacteria getting into your pores. But, there are some ways you can help to remove whiteheads.
- Use a pore clarifying
face cleanser
withlactic acid
& AHA. Both lactic acid & AHA are deep yet gentle cleansers, so while they work on clearing out the pores they don’t damage the skin. - If you sweat a lot, try to clean the face more than three times a day with a separate cleansing cloth to keep the bacterias from spreading.
- Only use non-comedogenic products, may it be make up or skincare. They are essentially non-pore clogging products and are great for your skin in the longer run.
Cyst Acne: these are the most painful bumps that can leave scars on you figuratively & literally! They appear just out of nowhere and stay for longer than an average whitehead. In Fact they are known to appear on the same spot for years. Good thing is a few steps can help you keep these unwanted guests at bay. So let’s get into what are these effective acne treatment options
- Use non comedogenic products, these are products that don’t clog pores. They essentially allow the skin to breath & let it stay hydrated. And as a result of that, they prevent breakouts.
- Always moisturize your skin, this can’t be said enough! No matter what skin type, you must use a light moisturizer on your skin to prevent it from breaking out.
- Exfoliate your skin to keep the pores un-clogged. Follow a routine as suggested by your dermat or do it once a week.
Papules: these sneaky little blemishes appear on skin’s surface & are red or pink in colour. They are almost always really small but can grow up to 1cm! They can also be extremely itchy with a flat top unlike a whitehead/cyst. They appear when dead skin cells or oils clog pores. Some other causes include hormonal change, diet & genetics. With some simple steps you can get rid of papules too, let’s see what they are.
- Oral medication has shown to have worked when it comes to treating papules. Always consult a dermatologist to find the right treatment that's proven to fight acne.
- Skin Care products with glycolic acid or salicylic acid are very effective cleaners. Always look for non-comedogenic products with the mentioned actives.
- Make some changes in your diet. Get rid of highly processed food items & severely cut down on fat laden items. Follow a detoxifying diet.
What are acne scars
Scarring can form as a result of skin injury during the healing process of aggressive acne. Scars are classified into two categories based on whether there is a net loss or increase of collagen (atrophic and hypertrophic scars). Eighty to ninety percent of patients with acne scars have scars caused by collagen loss (atrophic scars), whereas a few have hypertrophic scars and keloids. It's important to add skincare products that are humectant & help in boosting collagen production naturally to treat the scar from further developing.
Acne in teenagers
For a very long time, people thought that pimples on face were more common in adolescence and would fade with age. However, as we've previously seen, factors other than adolescent hormones can also cause acne and back acne. In reality, doctors report that patients with different acne types often range in age from 13 to 35. Late onset or chronic acne, which first appears beyond the age of 25, is extremely prevalent. Acne scars are a persistent propensity that affects people of all ages, not just teenagers.
Diagnosis and tests
Your doctor could advise one of these specialist therapies, potentially in conjunction with medicine, depending on your situation in pimple treatment.
Steroids. Rarely, steroid injections into big nodules might be used to lessen inflammation or treat severe acne.
Lasers. At the moment, lasers are mostly employed to cure acne scars. Under the skin, scarred collagen is heated by a laser, triggering the body's natural healing process to produce new, healthy collagen. In order to replace it, this promotes the formation of new skin. Ablative and non-ablative laser resurfacing are two separate subtypes. Depending on your skin type and the sort of acne scars you have, your dermatologist will decide which type is ideal.
Peeling chemicals. With this procedure, the top layer of old skin is removed using specialised chemicals.
How is acne treated the tuco skintelligent way
All types of pimples can be resolved.Check out our best skincare for acne treatment
Acne clearing handmade soap
- Calendula oil in this soap has antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties for soothing eczema which best way to treat acne scars
Acne clearing face cleanser
- Castor oil in this facewash, fights acne and is a natural cleanser
Acne clearing body wash
- Almond oil in this acne clearing body wash, is the best cream for pimples rich in fatty acids and is a proven acne combatant.
Acne clearing body lotion
- Shea and cocoa butter are effective moisturizers that soften skin
Acne clearing serum
- Chamomile used in this serum acts as a powerful antioxidant to eliminate free radicals
When to visit dermatologist
Your basic healthcare physician can treat your acne. However, you should visit a board-certified dermatologist if your pimples do not get better or become severe.
How can acne be prevented
- Reduce your daily intake of processed foods and refined sugars to improve your diet's overall health.
- Exercise frequently. All those couch potatoes should get up and move about with a daily exercise schedule.
- Get adequate sleep; a lack of sleep can lead to breakouts of acne, pimples, and other skin conditions. Make an effort to snooze for at least eight hours per night.
- Use antioxidants to combat the effects of pollution on the skin and to prevent acne. Antioxidants come in topical and dietary forms.
- Avoid squeezing, rubbing, or picking at pimples or zits at all times because doing so will only make the back acne problem worse. It worsens the inflammation, causes the acne to spread deeper into the skin, and causes dark patches
- Also try Acne clearing ranges of Unbottle for a better results